I Got Busted

Happy Patrons of Bulls Head Tavern

I’m on a photo excursion in Lititz, PA with a photography buddy. We’re sitting in the back of theย Bulls Head Tavern,ย and I was boasting about how I was able to capture candid images with myย Fuji X100s, a very compactย camera that I wasย using for my street photography. The image above showsย seven (7) bar patrons who were unknowingly the supporting cast for the rustic charm of this establishment. Mind you, I wasn’t really photographing the people per se, but just taking in the entire scene from my vantage point in the shadows. My camera was small, silent, un-assuming — ninja-esk you may say (if that was indeed a word). The sound of me giggling like a school girl was actually louder than my camera.

My colleague, on the other hand, was lugging around a massive Canon EOS 7dย withย a big honkin 17-50mm lens. He dared not raise thatย cameraย because one loud shutter click would surelyย deteriorateย into the final scene from Invasion of the Body Snatchers.


Anyway, I get home and start going throughย my bounty of images from the day. I was feeling pretty good about my clandestinenessย untilย I came across this image…


Sacrรฉ bleu!!!! I was busted. Eitherย this gentleman was blessedย with super-human powers of detection or it appears that earlier accounts of me being invisible just weren’tย true.

I would like to humbly extend the followingย thanks to thisย Lititz gentleman:

  1. Thank you for being a great sport and not kicking my ass.
  2. Thank you for actually making this image better than the one in which no one was looking. Your interaction with the camera made this one of the favorite images of the day.

Below are more images from my excursionย to Lititz, PA. Lititz is a little town in the Lancaster County area of Pennsylvania. ย Small town charm,ย ย quaint specialty shops, great restaurants, and tours of both a chocolate and ย pretzel factoryย makes Lititz an idealย day-trip destination. It’s not know as the “Coolest Little Town in America” for nothing.


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