We are proud to introduce to you the lovely and immensely talented LaGerie Nicole, Nuaje Visions resident make-up artist. Lala (as we call her) has graced the faces of many of our clients and her versatile style makes her a great asset to the Nuaje brand. Lala is also studying to be a licensed hair stylist at the Hair Expressions Academy, a Paul Mitchell partner school.
This post brings to you a rare treat in which Lala steps in front our camera as our beautiful model for the day!
Please note that the first image is what is commonly referred to as an ALTER EGO shot. Here, LaLa plays herself as a model (diva), make-up artist, and hair stylist. These type of shoots are very challenging but the finished images are really, really cool and memorable.
To hire one of the best in the area, please send LaLa an EMAIL: LalaMakeMeUp2@yahoo.com. SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY. Tell her that Nuaje sent you.
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