It was a few days before Christmas, and I was greeted by a disaster area in my client viewing room. Cardboard boxes, paper, and plastic straps made this room an obstacle course. What a mess — what a wonderful, glorious mess.
This sea of cardboard is the by-product of family portrait sessions I had during the Fall. These boxes protected about a dozen pieces of framed art, large wall canvases, and photo albums. I had a steady flow of incoming boxes, and as the art is unpacked, I personally deliver to my client’s homes. In reflection, every box represents a father’s smile. a child’s laughter, a mother’s tear of happiness. It’s a really great experience. Don’t tell anyone, but sometimes a little bit of my manly awesomeness leaks from my eyes as well.
I want to thank all of you who have allowed me into your homes to create for your family. This is always a welcomed holiday treat for me. Spring is right around the corner and marks another season of Family Portrait Sessions. I’m looking forward to creating many, many, many more memories.
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