Who doesn’t like a bargain right? Always looking for deals or maybe you’re just cheap. I can’t speak for everyone, but I love-love-love to buy, yet I hate to spend. So you can only imagine how deeply disappointed I was when I realized that it’s actually more costly to buy cheap items.
I didn’t know much about make-up which is why I was hesitant to invest $20 on lipstick. So I ended up buying a stick for about 5 bucks. And let me tell you, $5 lipstick is the worst!!
[vimeo 138163660 w=501 h=501]
Dancing with the Cheap Lipstick from Nuaje Visions on Vimeo.
I learned that just because the price tag looks good, doesn’t mean the product is just as good. Can you imagine how embarrassing it is to walk around looking like you drank way too much fruit punch, when in reality, it’s just the bargain lipstick. I was constantly re-applying it and then checking myself in reflections to see if I didn’t have the juice-stained lips of a 6 year old.

Kool-Aid Lips & Fingers
I do not mean buy the most expensive items. It’s all about value. Have you ever heard someone say “You get what you pay for”? Well it’s true. So if you find yourself constantly replacing your “cheap” items, I would recommend re-evaluating your method of budgeting.
Look at this mangled pile of eyeglass parts & pieces.

Look: Two Pairs of Cheap Designer Glasses
Sheesh. Wouldn’t want to walk around in those. It was supposed to be a great “2 for 1 deal” from one of America’s most {best} known eyeglass establishments. Those two pair of glasses fell completely apart in less than one year. The owner ended up buying a third pair of glasses (of much better quality) to finish the year. See what I mean? He’s not such a happy customer. You get the importance of value and not price?
I guess being cheap isn’t really worth it.
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