Sherwood Gardens
Every year for the past 5 years, I’ve taken note of Spring’s arrival, and each year I’ve told myself two lies:
- Any day now, I’m going to take the time to photograph the Spring colors.
- When I fail at achieving #1, I tell myself that I’ll make good on my promise next year.
This year, I’m happy to say that I did it! Just 30 minutes enjoying the Sherwood Gardens in the Guilford community. No complicated excursion. No careful planning. No fancy equipment (I’m lying, because I do have some pretty fancy equipment).
I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but today I took the time to smell the roses, figuratively speaking. Your “rose smelling ritual” could be to enjoy the sound of rain bouncing off your window, take a Sunday afternoon drive to nowhere in particular, read a book, bake a pie, kiss your mom — anything that makes you present to the Now.

Sherwood Gardens — Fallen Cherry Blossoms

Sherwood Garden — The Sea of Tulips
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