The Beltway Spires

The Mysterious Golden Spires

Beltway Spires --photo credit
Mysterious Beltway Spires –photoย courtesy of Mshades

For decades, I’ve marveled atย the “golden sticks” protruding out of the tree line borderingย Interstate 495ย (Washington beltway). ย Those sticksย (as I would learn embarrassinglyย late in life) are called spires.

Spire: A tapering conical or pyramidal structure on the top of a building, typically a church tower.

Anyway, I wandered off the beltway and found myself purposely lost around the Rockville, MD area . To my surprise, I stumbled uponย The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In short, I believe this is a Mormon temple.

The Beltway Spires
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Unfortunately, I wasn’t traveling with my professional camera gear so I had to depend on my handy dandy Iphone 6. Luckily, it was an overcast day so my camera phone didn’t have to do any heavy lifting to obtain a balanced exposure. I did, however, pay attention to my composition and made sure I waited for most people to leave my scene.

Tips of the day:

  • Don’t be afraid to becomeย purposely lost. Explore the unfamiliar. Turn down an unknown road. Venture into a strange town. It’s a great way to find new locations to shoot.
  • To quote commercial photographer extraordinaire Chase Jarvis, “The best camera is the one with you”.ย Embrace yourย camera phone.
  • Even though you’re using a camera phone, still act like a photographer. Composition matters.
  • Overcast, cloudy days are some of the best times to do outdoor photography.



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